O.k. So my friends over at wizard101info.blogspot.com have this thing called the GRAND WIZARD COUNCIL!!
What is it?
Well here is everything on it from the site. I just copied and pasted it fyi. :P
Hello everyone, it’s Dustin and David here. We would like to say a few things about the GWC. First of all, we would like to go over one question that has been being asked to us constantly, in-game and out; “What does the GWC even do?”. We are not revealing yet what the GWC is going to do at this time. Don’t worry, it will be definitely fun and will have something to do with W101 Info, Sunday Moments, CFC, all this fun stuff. Even helping other players, and putting together in-game meetups. Not to mention making important decisions :)
That should clear up the first question. It is going to totally be fun once we get the whole program together. Right now we are just busy recruiting…
Now for the 2nd biggest question we have been getting; “How do you join the Council?”. A biggie, not doubt. There are a few ways you can join the GWC. One of them, which is the most difficult, is to try and let luck be with you as you search the entire Spiral for David or Dustin. This probably isn’t the best way to go about doing things, even though it worked for Chase :) . The most sensible one is to send us an email. There are, of course, a few things you have to know about signing up. The most important one, we think, is that the Junior is chosen by the Senior, 100%. You cannot sign up to be a Junior if the School you want to represent does not have a Senior. If the School you want to represent does have a Senior, than you can sign up to be the Junior. This means that the Junior is chosen by the Senior. If you sign up to be a Junior, you might be what the Senior is looking for.
If you would like to sign up for the Senior of a School, please email us at:
In order to even be considered for the Council, you have to fill out an application. Use the email above to contact us first, and then we can send you your application via email. In your first message, include the name of your student, his/her School, and what position you are going for. It is quite simple, but please, please, please, follow those directions. When you fill out your application, you can copy it into a Word or Pages document and fill it out. Then just copy it back into an email message. Simple as that! We will let you know soon if you have been selected or not.
Do not sign up for the GWC if you would rather be in a different School of Magic. If you are a Fire wizard, but really really really wish that you had started out Myth, then it isn’t a good idea for you to apply to be a Fire Representative. We want these slots filled with students who strongly think that their School of Magic is the best, and should be able to tell us why. *Note- This is a question on the application!!!*
We have also created a sub-group to the Council called the Omega Team. If you applied to be on the GWC and didn’t make the cut, then you are put on the Omega Team, who will fill in for Council members in battle if necessary.
We know, what to do to get on the Council might not be clear to you. PLEASE FEEL FREE TO EMAIL US OR LEAVE A COMMENT ON THIS PAGE! WE WILL REPLY TO YOU!
We look forward to having a great experience working with the GWC and the new Omega Team.
Yours truly,
Dustin MoonCatcher & David TitanRider
Ok so here it is to YOU fire students. All the spots have been filled up except for a fire junior. I am the myth senior and my junior is the one and only Ronan Ravenshard. So if you want to be a fire junior here are the rules. Remember I dont make them I just break them lolz jk.
-You have to have text chat
-You cant be famous
-You have to be fire
-You have to go on wizard101 pretty often.
Pretty simple huh? Just shoot an email to David and Dustin (Their email is up in the stuff I copied) and I hope to see you there!!

With Luck,
-Amber StarGem
Welcome to the GWC! I'm Chase WillowWeaver, the one and only Balance Sr! Great blog! Be sure to check my own little creation @: my2cents-ok.blogspot.com See you in the Spiral!
No text, no application. Sorry! (I fulfill everything but that.) Wait, do you consider me famous? I don't think so. ;)
I DO have Text chat, I AM Fire, and I go on wizard101 often, but I usually have heavy homework. And I don't have a famous blog, but I was mentioned on The Friendly Necromancer.(does THAT count as famous?)
Hmmmm..... I think you might work Charles. Just shoot david and dustin and email at wizard101stuff@gmail.com to see if you can join.
-Amber StarGem
Myth Master
Myth Senior GWC
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